Become a Kingdom Partner
Your investment will provide hope, social change and education to Indigenous migrant workers and their children.
When you decide to invest your resources in Bridge To The Nations, you can expect the best return. Every time you invest in Bridge To The Nations, another life is transformed, another family is helped to combat poverty, another child is given a brighter future.
Invest today. You won’t find a higher rate of return. Listed below are a few ways to give.
1. Give online
Below you can give through PayPal, PayPal Giving Fund or Venmo. PayPal will email you a receipt. We don’t have to pay fees when donations are made through PayPal Giving Fund. For your convenience you can also scan the QR code to give via PayPal.
2. Give by Check
Please note we have a new mailing address.
Please make checks payable to:
Bridge To The Nations
1972 North Raymond Ave.
Pasadena, CA

As financial partners, you enable us to continue to serve the many Indigenous workers from the unreached/least reached People Groups in Mexico. Here are some of the amazing results:
- Hundreds of adults and children have committed their lives to Christ
- Dozens of adults and children have been baptized
- Our church planting projects continue to grow
Because of our partners, basic education is available to the Indigenous children and young adults; at-risk children are being reached; and Biblical training is provided to many Indigenous leaders.