This is the way kids learn God’s word
This is the way the kids learn God’s Word. So proud of them!! If you would like to support our ministry, go to our donate page .
This is the way the kids learn God’s Word. So proud of them!! If you would like to support our ministry, go to our donate page .
I had a good time teaching the children on Matthew 4:23-24 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various …
Last night I had the awesome privilege of praying for a 7 year old boy on a wheel chair. His left leg was about 2.5” shorter than his right leg. While praying for healing his left leg started growing and now both legs are the same length!!! I believe that his miraculous healing began last night and he will walk in the very near future 🙏 …
God is Good! 150 High school students gave their lives to Jesus in our village. They all raised their hands to say YES to God‼️‼️ Please help Bridge To The Nations to continue transforming the hearts of these young people. Make a donation today and become our financial partner. …
In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said: “Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them….” Bridge To The Nations is teaching the little children about the Love of God. This ten year old boy gave his life to the Lord and was able to experience that love. He found a new hope and is sharing God’s love with his family and frien …
This young Indigenous woman received her certificate of Primary education after many months of tutoring her. Praise The Lord! She is able to read the Bible now and she is also reading the Bible to others in her community who are not able to read the Word. Jesus Christ is the basis for social transformation. Would you parter with us in transfor …
This elderly couple just invited Jesus into their hearts!! He was rushed to the hospital with kidney and liver failure and high blood sugar. He couldn’t keep anything in his stomach and had pain in his body. After we prayed for him, he was freed of pain. He was able to sleep well that night and was able to keep food in his stomach. He has ask …
My friend Domingo gave his life to the Lord a year ago but he was still struggling with drugs. A couple of months ago, he went through Sozo inner healing and was totally delivered and set free!!! He wept as he felt the Love of God for the first time. Now him and his wife could teach their 3 little girls about God’s love. When you support Bridg …
WOW!! This young man was not able to read or write a few months ago. Today, he is writing his own evangelistic tracks and giving them out to his co-workers. When you partner with Bridge To The Nations you are helping us change the lives of Indigenous migrant workers. …
I prayed for 4 people to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and they all received their spiritual language!!! This particular guy, was out for about 10 minutes!!! When he opened his eyes he said he saw a man dressed on white. Haha, he used to get drunk with alcohol but last night was drunk in the Holy Spirit!!! …