Groups, pastors, students and others are welcome to visit for a week or more with us in the village outside an agricultural camp in Central Mexico. You’ll not only experience the Indigenous Culture but would have the opportunity to participate in ministry work. You will meet Indigenous leaders and experience first-hand the spiritual and social opportunities that are leading to transformed lives.
There are many things you can participate in while with us, which are listed below. Usually there is time to do many but not all in a ten-day to two-week visit:
- Participate in the church planting project
- Train locals in door to door and street evangelism
- Minister in a church service (teaching and/or testimonies)
- Participate in the Soccer and Music Clubs
- Assist in food distribution to needy families
- Participate and minister with children evangelism
- Participate in the Literacy program by helping out with homework
- Minister at the weekly Movie Night