
Transformation one heart at a time

Thank you to our Canadian friends for stopping by. They brought some food and school supplies for the people. We had a great day visiting and praying for and with people. And presented the school supplies to the teachers at the school in the camp. Please continue to pray that the love of God will transform the hearts of these previous people. See t …

March 20, 20170 comments

Wonderful news!

Thank you to our friends from Buenas Nuevas for visiting the camp. After showing a Christian movie, 30 people gave their hearts to the Lord!! When you partner with Bridge To The Nations you are partnering with the Holy Spirit in reaching the unreached People groups in Mexico. Go to the partner page to become a monthly partner via PayPal. …

March 16, 20170 comments

An Unexpected Visitor

An unexpected visitor, my friend Carlos. Singing to the Lord in Mixteca, his native language. I led him to the Lord 5 years ago and he is still going strong with the Lord!! He came back to this camp this season. Sooo good to see the fruit. When you give to BTTN you are partaking with us in fulfilling the Great Commission. Donate via PayPal on our p …

February 20, 20170 comments

Jesus Heals!

This elderly couple just invited Jesus into their hearts!! He was rushed to the hospital with kidney and liver failure and high blood sugar. He couldn’t keep anything in his stomach and had pain in his body. After we prayed for him, he was freed of pain. He was able to sleep well that night and was able to keep food in his stomach. He has ask …

October 20, 20160 comments

A new season!

We are starting another harvest season at the agricultural camps and that means that the Indigenous migrant workers are staring to arrive. I have great expectations about what the Lord will do for the next NINE months. You can be a part of the harvest of souls by becoming a monthly partner. Go to the partner page and press the PayPal button. Blessi …

September 15, 20160 comments
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